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Pay Codes

Pay Codes are used to create and maintain pay components paid to an employee. For example, Normal Hours, Taxable and Non - Allowances, Benefits and others.


  1. A paycode for a leave is automatically created when the leave code is created.
  1. Paycode Listing
  1. Enable the "Allow Add", "Allow Edit" and "Allow Delete" access under " Role Menu Access " to make changes.
Steps to create a Pay Code:
  1. Click on "Green Plus Sign". This will open the edit form.
  2. Code - Enter a code which can be a set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each pay code.
  3. Description - Enter the detailed description of the pay code.
  4. Paycode Type
    1. Related data fields will load when the paycode type is selected.
      1. Banking and Deduction
        1. Includes Banking - "Includes Banking" if ticked will be included in the "Direct Credit" payments.
        2. Bank Code - Select the "Bank" from the list. Bank is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Bank"
        3. Bank Account - Enter the "Bank Account" number for the selected bank.
        4. GL Account Code - Enter the "General Ledger Code" from the financial database that is used to integrate pay amounts into the financial.
        5. Creditor Code - Enter the "Creditor Code" from the financial database that is used to integrate pay amounts into the financial.
        6. Commission Percent - Enter the percent that should be used to calculate the commission.
        7. Commission GL Code - Enter the "Omission General Ledger Code" from the financial database that is used to integrate commission amounts into the financial.
        8. Group GL Transactions - "Group GL Transaction" if ticked will group pay amounts by the "General Ledger Code".
      2. Benefit, Gross Pay, Tax Adjustment and Taxable Allowance
        1. Includes Super - "Includes Super" if ticked will be calculate the superannuation when the paycode is used.
        2. Calculate Leave - "Calculate Leave" if ticked will be use the hours of the pay code for calculation of leave accrual. This is applicable for proportional leave accrual method.
        3. Benefit Type
          1. Cash - Cash benefits paid to the employee.
          2. Tax Only - Fringe benefits.
        4. Tax Scale Code - Select the tax code used to calculate the tax payable for a benefit.
        5. Benefit is Taxable - Indicate if the tax is calculated for the benefit.
        6. GL Account Code - Enter the "General Ledger Code" that is used to integrate pay amounts into a financial system.
        7. Creditor Code -Enter the "Creditor Code" from the financial database that is used to integrate pay amounts into the financial.
        8. Commission Percent - Enter the percent that should be used to calculate the commission.
        9. Commission GL Code - Enter the "Omission General Ledger Code" from the financial database that is used to integrate commission amounts into the financial.
        10. Group GL Transactions - "Group GL Transaction" if ticked will group pay amounts by the "General Ledger Code".
      3. Non Pay Items and Non-Taxable Allowance
        1. Includes Super
        2. GL Account Code - Enter the "General Ledger Code" that is used to integrate pay amounts into a financial system.
        3. Creditor Code - Enter the "Creditor Code" from the financial database that is used to integrate pay amounts into the financial
        4. Commission Percent - Enter the percent that should be used to calculate the commission.
        5. Commission GL Code - Enter the "Omission General Ledger Code" from the financial database that is used to integrate commission amounts into the financial.
        6. Group GL Transactions - "Group GL Transaction" if ticked will group pay amounts by the "General Ledger Code".
  5. Classification - Classification is used to categorize pay codes. Classification is used to classify and compute tax for tax submissions. Classificatory are maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Dropdowns - Pay Classification".
  6. Use Staff Rate - "Use Staff Rate"if ticked with use the pay rate of the employee for payouts. This will normally be used for allowances.
  7. Rate By - Users can select whether to calculate rate by value or percentage.
  8. Rate - Enter the rate that should be used to make payments. This is dependent on the "Rate By" settings.
  9. Is Tax Paycode - Paycodes that have "Is Tax Paycode" enabled will be used in the calculation of the tax. By default the following Paycodes have this enabled:
    1. FPAYE - Pay As You Earn
    2. FPAYEECAL - Environment and Climate Adaptation Levy
    3. FPAYESRL - Social Responsibility Levy
    4. FPAYEOTH - Other PAYE Tax
    5. HPAYE - Employer Fringe Benefit Tax
  10. Notes - This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
  11. Void - Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups . Edit the record and "UN-tick" void to activate a record
  12. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".
  13. Add Notes and Attachments
Figure 1: Pay Codes